Would you like to join the Frankston Beach Association?
Membership is only $20.00 per household per year, and this runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. A concession price of $10 is available for seniors and pensioners.
Monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 3.00pm at the Ash Martin Community room (Nepean Highway Frankston).
Membership contributions help us to:
- Continue our work on the reserves.
- Lobby for an improved beach.
- Print and distribute newsletters to keep members and local residents informed.
Or perhaps you would you like to volunteer for work in the plants nursery, reserves work, plantings or other maintenance activities.
If you would like to join the FBA and/or participate in voluntary activities, please download this membership form, file it in and email it to fbainc2006@hotmail.com.
If paying by cheque, please send payment with this form by post to the Membership Secretary, PO Box 5092, Frankston South 3199, or to pay your subscription via EFT, please refer to the following FBA bank details:
Westpac BSB 033-362 Account No. 176020
YOUR SURNAME AND INITIALS must be included in the REFERENCE FIELD when using EFT so we can identify your payment.