Membership Application

FBA Membership Application/Renewal
July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021

Annual membership for the 2020/2021 financial year starts from 1st July 2020. We welcome new members and invite you to apply to join our group by taking out an annual membership. For current members, renewal of membership is now due and we welcome your timely payment.
Membership is $10 (family) or $5 (concession). Concession includes seniors and pensioners.
It is more economical for us to make contact with you via email. If you agree to make this your preferred method of our communication with you, would you please include your email address below.
Thank you,

Ash Steegstra
Treasurer FBA

I/we wish to join or renew my/our membership of the Frankston Beach Association and agree to support FBA aims and be bound by its Rules of Incorporation.


Please send payment with this form by post to the Membership Secretary, Ash Steegstra, PO  Box 5092, Frankston South 3199, or to pay your subscription via EFT, please refer to the following FBA bank details:

BSB 033-362 Account No. 176020

YOUR SURNAME AND INITIALS must be included in the REFERENCE FIELD when using EFT so we can identify your payment.